• Confidence Is Key

    Confidence Is Key Do you feel like you struggle with your confidence? Some days you feel like you can conquer the world, and other days you feel like you can’t do anything right?Guess what? It’s not just you. We all struggle to feel confident at times – which is why so many people are struggling…

  • Teenagers, Bullying and Mental Health

    This is a post I had never planned to write; I hadn’t even considered it previously. However, circumstances have prompted me to reconsider, so here we go. Teenage mental health and suicide are two things we don’t really like to talk about. However, we need to have these hard conversations with our kids. Kids need…

  • Anxiety in Teen Athletes

    It seems like the word anxiety has become a common part of everyday conversations. This physiological and psychological diagnosis can be found everywhere, and we attach it to just about everything. I feel like anxiety was very rarely mentioned when I was growing up, and I feel like people were a lot less stressed 20…

  • How To Have A Good Relationship With Your Growing Child

    As the Mama of a teenage boy it’s been a heck of a journey to build a healthy relationship with my kiddo, especially considering the family I grew up with. To say I don’t have a healthy relationship with my family would be a gross understatement. The road to a healthy relationship with our kids…

  • Discipline

    As I sat at the ice rink last night while the dude did a skating clinic, I found myself pondering the concept of discipline. You see, in order to be truly successful, you have to be successful in every aspect of your life- whatever success looks like to you. Success is going to look different…

  • 7 Qualities of a Dragon Slayer

    As I work on the book I’m writing, and the subsequent companion books that I envision will accompany it, I’ve had to dig really deep to define for myself what I think a Dragon Slayer is. I have to be able to define what a Dragon Slayer is to know whether or not I’m successful…

  • Creating Boundaries

    The book club I’m part of is reading “Worthy” by Jamie Kern Lima this month. Have you read it? There is so much goodness in this book, I wish I had read it years ago! As a recovering people pleaser, her talks about setting boundaries really resonated with me. I feel like we often set…

  • To My Son As You Finish Your First Year Of High School

    No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to teach my child every single thing he will need to know in order to survive everything this life could throw at him. All I can do is try to drop some motherly wisdom on him and hope some of it sticks. My baby…

  • 10 Things To Tell Your Teens When Their Heart Gets Broken

    I’ll never forget the first time my heart was broken. I’m talking about that I just got punched in the gut and I think my heart actually ripped apart feeling. I was a junior in high school. A girl I thought was one of my best friends was driving me home after we left the…

  • Your Kids Do Want To Talk!

    I don’t know about you, but as my child becomes a teenager there is part of me that is reminded of the toddler stage. They have minds of their own, they have strong opinions about everything, they question everything, and sometimes they have a hard time communicating what they want or need. Sometimes it can feel…