Confidence Is Key
Do you feel like you struggle with your confidence? Some days you feel like you can conquer the world, and other days you feel like you can’t do anything right?
Guess what? It’s not just you.
We all struggle to feel confident at times – which is why so many people are struggling to figure out how to be more confident, whether it’s at school, in their sport of choice, at work, or for something else.
Here’s the thing, most people are working on their confidence the wrong way.
The first thing I tell people about confidence is that it isn’t just a feeling. Confidence is about trusting your capabilities. Confidence, true confidence, is trusting that you have prepared yourself as well as you could for whatever event is coming up that you will thrive, even when things don’t go perfectly.
The greatest challenge many people face, is preventing their confidence from slipping away when they need it most.
Their primary goal is to feel more confident every time they step into the arena of their choice.
But here’s where the conversation often takes an unexpected turn.
Instead of chasing a feeling of confidence that comes and goes, I encourage people to work toward building a deep trust in their skills, in the process they’re following, and in themselves.
One of the first steps in this adventure is to help someone define what confidence means to them. When they say they want more confidence, I ask them to describe to me what that looks like. Often, they explain that confidence looks like believing in themselves and trusting in their abilities. Once we have a vision to work toward, we work on identifying the daily actions and mindsets that reinforce that trust in themselves, so that regardless of outcomes or mistakes, they can remain confident in their ability to overcome challenges.
This process can be easier said than done.
You need to continuously engage in the actions and mindset that work for you. This becomes especially important when you are struggling or facing adversity.
Look at these moments as opportunities to prove to yourself that you are who you say you want to be. Every time you stick to your actions and mindset, despite being faced with adversity, you strengthen your confidence.
Repeat this over and over again. When you struggle, learn from it, adjust, and keep moving forward.
This repetition is how you develop confidence.
Remember, true confidence isn’t built overnight—it’s built through continually making choices that support your skills and growth. At the end of the day if you can accept your mistakes, learn the lessons from your mistakes and let your mistakes go you will find that you have developed confidence.
Each challenge you face brings you one step closer to becoming someone who completely trusts their abilities, no matter what happens.
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